Replacement Locks for Brass Door Post Office (P.O) Box Banks, N1004555

SKU: N1004555

Ebuy Numbers: 31776


* This products is available for purchase by USPS Activities on Ebuy at discounted prices.

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SKU: N1004555

Replace the locks on your horizontal mailbox, vertical mailbox, brass mailbox, and NDCBU's. Cams are only available on certain types. These are genuine factory replacement locks. Most styles are in stock and ready for immediate shipment. Please call for more information.

  • Two keys
  • Ships USPS
Some locks are non-returnable. Please be certain to order the correct lock. Samples are available for large orders.

USPS Activities order this item from the Topeka Material Distribution Center. Refer to Publication 247, Material Management Equipment and Supply Catalog for Item Numbers and Ordering Instructions.

This product is not intended for the N.O.A. Program. However, a special discount is applied.


Ebuy NumberEbuy DescSize Color
31776Replacement Locks for Bras ...HORZ BRASS

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